Jesus Christ said, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26 NIV84).Jesus isn't against working hard (for the right reasons). Jesus isn't against planning for the future and putting something away for a rainy day. I think the point of this verse is Jesus wants us to see our value to God. And to know that if God cares enough about birds, to supply them with what they need to survive, He will with certainty care about us, to give us all that we need. He wants us to stop worrying about what only He can provide, and wants to provide, for us.
Now, God doesn't take the worm and bring it to the robin and put it in her and her young ones mouths. The robin has to use its God-given abilities to hunt for the food and take it to her family. We are no different. We have to do what God wants us to do. When God fed the Israelites manna from heaven they had to go out and collect it and grind it and bake it. God does what only He can do, we do what we He tells us to do.
I think God wants us to trust Him for everything. From trusting Him about food, clothing and shelter, to trusting Him enough to give Him back His 10% of our gross income by giving it to the local church. And, trusting Him to make the other 90% meet our needs. I think we also need to ask Him what He wants us to do with the skills, abilities, knowledge, and particularly the ability to practically show love to others, He has given us.
But, the process of growing in trust is HARD for me. It involves risking the seen for the promise of the unseen. I can risk looking stupid at times. I can be at odds with society. Hey, I didn't have Christian role models in my life when I was growing up so I've never seen this done before. As the Christian pop singer Carmen might say: if I step out on nothin' will I find somethin' there? But taking the chance of obeying Him is the only way I can find out if He is trustworthy or not. Jesus said that if anyone does His word he will find out if Jesus is from the Father.
I used to be afraid to tell Him I will obey anything He asks (okay, I still am a little;-). Now that I have obeyed Him several times I have much more confidence that He is as good as He says He is.
As Charles F. Stanley might say, "[Trust and] obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him."