
Sunday, November 22, 2015

God loves you.  God, in the person of Jesus, wants to sit down and have coffee with you.  He is completely and desperately in love with you.  He has been desperately seeking you your whole life.  You may not know it but you have been desperately seeking Jesus your whole life as well.  Every relationship, every recreational drug, every drink, every fight, every crime, every time you've given up, every time you've over achieved, has been an attempt to find that missing part of you, but you didn't know it.  You were looking for Jesus.  Jesus said, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.  Jesus has done everything needed in order to have a forever relationship with you. If you will seek him, and not give up, he guaranteed he would be found by you.  But the choice to get to know him is yours. Why not choose him now?

Friday, November 13, 2015

What's in a name?

Does the same word mean different things to different people?  I grew up learning the definitions of words from the context of the experiences I was in.  Did you?  No, I don't mean the context of the experiences you were in, but the experiences I was in.  Of course not, you say.  And herein lies the problem... or opportunity.  When I say, "father" what do I mean?  I think of my father.  If I am trying to describe to you my relationship with my Heavenly Father do you instantly think of my father?  Or, your own father?

I believe some people hate God the Father because they are really thinking He is like their own father.  And their earthly fathers did not fulfill their expectations at best, and were evil to them at worst.  Satan can encourage real or imagined hurts to grow into bitterness.  So when I talk of my Heavenly Father what do I mean?

Jesus is the exact representation of the invisible God (Isaiah 1:16).

When Jesus was born He was called: wonderful counselor, mighty God, EVERLASTING FATHER, prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6).  Because Jesus was and is God's Only Begotten Son, He can perfectly represent God the Father to us.  

So what is the character of this Father?  Jesus was patient, even when His disciples got it wrong again and again (as I would have gotten it wrong as well),  Jesus was kind, even when it cost Him.  And forgiving too.  He didn't repay evil for evil.  When He was dying on the cross He prayed for His murderers (the religious leaders) and tried to help them discover His Forever Love by reminding them of Messianic Scripture.  Though God the Father created all things by Him and for Him, He was not proud.  He humbly seeks a relationship with us.  He never forces Himself on us.  He doesn't hold our past mistakes and sins against us.  He loves us with all that He is no matter what we do or what anyone or anything else does.  He believes the best about us and encourages us to become all He created us to be.  He does not fail.  (See I Corinthians 13 and substitute "Jesus" for "Love").

Does this sound like a Father you would like to have?  You can.  Just ask Him to forgive your wrongs and come into your life and heart.  He is waiting.  And you two have so much to talk about!