(This plea for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and a statement of Jesus' love for everyone was ironically censored by Google+. I have asked Google+ for a dialogue to learn what they object to and have not received any communication from them. Please read this post and let me know (specifically) how you interpret its ideas and why you think Google+ censored it, thank you).
I couldn't sleep last night/this morning. So, I was on my computer and I came across a report on Loretta Lynch promising to prosecute any "Anti-Muslim" rhetoric "predicated on violence." The writer of the report posed the question, "what exactly does that mean?" and answered, "possibly anything she wants it to mean."
I couldn't sleep last night/this morning. So, I was on my computer and I came across a report on Loretta Lynch promising to prosecute any "Anti-Muslim" rhetoric "predicated on violence." The writer of the report posed the question, "what exactly does that mean?" and answered, "possibly anything she wants it to mean."
The America I grew up in (back in the day) defended freedom of speech and freedom of religion, though not in ways I always wanted. As an example, pornography, which in my opinion hurts those who make it and use it, was defended by the Supreme Court as an expression of free speech. A certain religion that used an illegal drug in its worship was allowed to continue and use the drug legally by the Supreme Court when the court deemed it an exercise of freedom of religion.
I didn't agree with those decisions but I recognized the need for freedom of speech and religion. I realized that the preservation of those freedoms for all outweighed my objections to specific applications. I agree with Loretta Lynch's end, that is I don't want a backlash against Muslims. But I fear the means to this end as this Administration and Supreme Court have proven capable of deliberately over-reaching the law, deliberately under-interpreting the law, and deliberately making-up law. What are they capable of doing to the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech in this instance?
After courageous American Christians lost their lives by standing up to a gunman and proclaiming their faith in Jesus, there was no U.S. government statement about the protection of Christians that would follow, that I know of. President Obama did not even acknowledge that there had been a "hate-crime" against Christians. But when two Muslims "bent on Jihad" (a tenet of Islam that instructs Muslims to kill non-Muslims) kill innocent people, this government threatens to silence any speech critical of Islam and similar followers.
Jesus wants all people (including Muslims "bent on Jihad") to know that he loves them, forgives them, and wants them to turn from evil and join him in loving God and loving people. That is what I want too.