
Monday, January 11, 2016

How to Get the Life You Want...(Part II)

This explains why the parable of the talents is not about developing skills - it is about giving ourselves away, loving others the way we want them to love us.  The parable of the ten virgins directs those virgins without enough oil to go to the marketplace to buy more.  Much like the servants with talents going and trading for more.  Jesus is saying that the purpose of our lives is to give our lives away.  When we do we receive life/love back sometimes from others but always from Him.  So give, it will be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over the top!

How to Get the Life You Want...

This morning I struggled to give a tip at a restaurant.  I thought of, "give and it will be given to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over into your lap."  But it was Andy Stanley's 1/10/16 "Your Move with Andy Stanley" that redefined the experience (

Jesus wasn't talking about money when he said to give, he was talking about much more.  He was talking about me.  Giving me away to someone.  This includes my money but so much more.  If I give my life away Jesus will give me more life back.  If I give my money, and my time, my presence, my interest, my love, my care, my concern, myself!, He will give me back Himself: His presence, His interest, His love, His care, His concern, His life!

If you give to get you are still alone.  But if you give yourself away to love other people you have Jesus and you have Life and you have everything!  

Saturday, January 9, 2016

I Love God, but my Neighbor?

When Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” Jesus answered with two commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (emphasis mine).  Andy Stanley made an interesting comment.  Andy Stanley said that the phrase “the second is like it” is not hierarchical, that is, the second is less important than the first.  But rather, complementary, the second completes the first, or is on the same level as the first.  I had never thought of that.  I now realize I can’t love God if I don’t love my neighbor.  And, I can’t love my neighbor if I don’t love God.  Now what Jesus said makes sense: that if I am approaching God and remember my neighbor has a problem with me, I am to first get right with my neighbor (as far as it depends on me) and then spend time with God.  Because if I choose not to love my neighbor I am also choosing not to love God.  (And remember, "love" means actively pursuing the highest good for my neighbor, not necessarily doing whatever they ask).