Just a few minutes ago I had the most unusual, and baffling and joy-filled experience. My wife and my younger son and I were dining at an Italian place we like. A gentleman we had never met before was waiting for his take-out order and asked us about my son's hoodie with the Indiana Colt's logo on it. We told him that my wife's family lives in Indiana and that we had followed Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy. I was trying to get up the nerve to share Jesus with this gentleman using Tony Dungy as a starting point. I chickened out and didn't say anything and the man reached over and picked up our check. It was for over $35 and to me that is a lot of money. So I took the check back from him. He took it back from me and said, "I've been blessed, now you go bless others".
I was stunned. This has never happened to me before. I asked the man if he was a Christian. I don't remember exactly how he answered. My wife said later that he probably was a Christian because not that many people say, "I've been blessed".
Wow, God is awesome! This man is awesome! I've never felt like this before. He mentioned that I could leave a nice tip. We left $10.
This man doesn't know that today was the last day of my job. Or, that my wife is going from 40 hours to 20 hours per week. But God knows. And this man obeyed God. Because this man obeyed God, God was blessed, the man was blessed and I and my family were blessed.
I gave this kind man my blog information and I hope he reads this. Thank you very much, sir, we appreciate your generosity, especially at this time.
I am being considered for another job with another company right now. I would be grateful if anyone who reads this would choose to pray for me to get the job that God wants me to get. (Also, I would be glad to pray for you about what concerns you if you would like to leave a comment).
What a day! Thank you Jesus! Thank you kind man! And thank you for reading this. Have a blessed day.
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