
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Satan's lie about God

Under traffic sources in the statistics part of this blog's background functions are what I believe are sources of entry for those who read this blog.  I clicked on one of them and it went to a porn site.  (I quickly closed it and told my wife who was sitting in the living room with me).  Before I became a Christian I viewed pornography.  I eventually recognized its destructive influence on me and got rid of it (even before I knew Jesus).  But like an alcoholic who becomes sober and then stays away from alcohol I stay away from pornography.  And that's why I quickly closed it and told my wife.  She knows the password on my computer and I don't hide anything from her, in order to protect myself from falling back into slavery to pornography.

If you view pornography I do not condemn you and God does not condemn you.  God and I do, however, condemn what is destroying you and that is the pornography.  God loves people but He hates sin - because sin hurts the people he loves.

Sin is an attempt to get our God-given needs met outside of God's will.  Sin provides pleasure for a season but it will never satisfy the human heart's longing to be satisfied by God.  God is waiting for you to give up satan's worthless pleasure and seek Him to truly meet your needs.  God said, you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart.  Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy.  Jesus comes so that me and you can have real life!  Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life, the wholesome nutrition for our souls that we might have true pleasure, true satisfaction, true life.

Satan will tell you that God is no fun.  God invented fun.  Satan will tell you that God is trying to steal the little pleasure you have left in life.  God is trying to introduce you to real pleasure that builds you up, not satan's counterfeit that tears you down.  Satan is trying to destroy us with pleasure-coated poison.  God is trying to give us food for our souls, what we truly need to be happy.

In the end, it's your choice.  But remember, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

If you want help please consider going to  I have never gone to the site myself (for fear I would get targeted with spam from the porn industry) but I have heard good things about it from others.

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