
Friday, July 19, 2013

Are the bad guys winning?

13 “You have said harsh things against me,” says the LORD. “Yet you ask, ‘What have we said against you?’
14 “You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD Almighty?
15 But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape.’”
16 Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.
17 “They will be mine, ” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.  
18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. (Malachi 3:13-18 NIV84)
Do you ever feel like the bad guys are winning?  That you try to do what God says to do and things only get harder while the people that curse God seem to have all the money, all the luck, all the fun?  Take heart!  The story of history has not yet been completed.

God says that "you will again see the distinction... between those who serve God and those who do not."  God says in this passage that the righteous will be spared and will be his treasured possession.

Elsewhere in the Bible God says that you will not envy the wicked when you consider their end.  They will be cast away from God's presence forever, while those that love and serve God will enjoy His love forever.

So why does God allow the wicked to seemingly thrive?  God loves sinners.  Which is good news because I and you and everyone has sinned.  He wants everyone to repent and turn to His love.  And it is His kindness that leads us to repentance.  That's why He is kind to the ungodly.  But He will not wait forever.  He said, Today is the day of salvation. Today, if you hear His voice do not harden your heart.  Now is the accepted time.  So if you don't yet know Jesus, He is calling you right now.  Repent and invite Him into your heart today.  Tomorrow is uncertain, you really only have right now to decide, so choose the One who loves you and forgives you when you turn away from sin.

And if you love and follow Jesus do not be discouraged by the trials you have.  Jesus is changing us into His likeness.  God is treating us like sons and daughters when He disciplines us in love even though at the time it is painful.  If we persevere God will bless us with a heart that loves like Jesus loves.  And we will be loved by Him and love Him and love others and be loved by them... forever.

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